Word spezifische Informationen
Makros aufzeichnen
Das Aufzeichnen von Makros erweist sich sehr oft als hilfreiches Mittel, um die inneren Zusammenhänge und verwendeten Befehle von Word zu finden und zu verstehen. Allerdings können Sie während der Aufzeichnung die Maus nur dazu verwenden, um eine gewünschte Funktion (zum Beispiel durch Knopfdruck) anzuwenden. Die Änderung der Auswahl sowie die Betätigung der rechten Maustaste (für Kontextmenüs) bleibt ohne Erfolg.
Änderung der Auswahl
Verwenden Sie hierzu die Tastatur oder unterbrechen Sie die Makro-Aufzeichnung mit dem 'Pause'-Knopf in dem Reiter 'Entwicklertools'. =====Kontextmenü===== Verwenden Sie die Kontext-Menü-Taste auf Ihrer Tastatur. Diese befindet sich unten rechts zwischen der 'Windows'- und der 'Steuerung' (Strg)-Taste. Im geöffneten Kontextmenü können Sie Ihre Maus wieder verwenden.
Die globale Vorlage 'Normal.dot' (bzw. 'Normal.dotm') speichert diverse Einstellungen von Word, dient als Grundlage für neue 'leere' Dokumente und kann auch Programmierung enthalten, welche dann immer Word zur Verfügung steht. Allerdings ist die Normal.dot(m) benutzerabhängig und eignet sich daher nicht dafür, als Projekt für Ihre Programmierungen zu dienen. Bitte beachten: Sie werden das eine oder andere Mal gefragt werden, ob sie die aktuellen Änderungen in der Normal.dot(m) speichern möchten. Wir empfehlen, hier ausschließlich mit 'Nein' zu antworten. Wichtig: Bei der Makro-Aufzeichnung werden Sie gefragt, ob die neuen Makros in der Normal.dot(m) gespeichert werden sollen. Lassen Sie dies lieber niemals zu!
Textmarken anzeigen: 'Datei','Word-Optionen', 'Erweitert', 'Dokumentinhalt anzeigen', 'Textmarken zeigen'. Für den Word-Anwender stellen Textmarken eine Möglichkeit zur Verfügung, Sprungmarken in einem Dokument anzulegen, auf die er dann entweder manuell zugreifen kann oder zu denen er mit Hyperlinks innerhalb des Dokumentes springen kann. Für den Word-Entwickler bieten Textmarken jedoch eine sehr wichtige Grundlage für das Einbringen von neuen Texten in ein Dokument, denn Textmarken sind im Prinzip ein benannter Bereich innerhalb des Dokumentes, in die Texte geschrieben (oder deren Texte ausgelesen) werden können. So können zum Beispiel Autoren- und Firmendaten, Adressen, Fensterzeilen etc. per Programmierung aus einer Datenbank oder mit den Daten aus einem Dialog gefüllt werden. Allerdings muss beachtet werden, dass eine Textmarke in dem Moment, in dem deren Text überschrieben wird, gelöscht wird. Dieser Umstand lässt sich jedoch beheben, indem der Bereich (die 'Range') der Textmarke in eine Variable übernommen, der Text in den Bereich geschrieben (wobei der Bereich automatisch den neuen Text umfasst) und dann die Textmarke neu über den neuen Bereich gesetzt wird: Public Sub LetBookmarkText(ByVal strName As String, ByVal strText As String) Dim rngBookmark As Range If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(strName) = True Then Set rngBookmark = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Item(strName).Range rngBookmark.Text = strText rngBookmark.Bookmarks.Add strName End If End Sub Das Auslesen einer Textmarke erfolgt mit dem einfachen Zugriff auf deren Bereich (und deren Text-Eigenschaft): Public Function GetBookmarkText(ByVal strName As String) As String If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists(strName) = True Then GetBookmarkText = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Item(strName).Range.Text End If End Function
Eingebaute Dialoge
Word bietet dem VBA-Entwickler eine Reihe seiner eingebauten Dialogen für die Verwendung in den eigenen Lösungen an. Da jeder Dialog eine eigene Ausstattung an Optionen enthält, bietet das Dialog-Objekt nur eine für alle Dialoge gültige Auswahl an Standard-Eigenschaften und -Methoden an. Beispiel: Ausführen des Dialogs 'Speichern unter': With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs) .Name = "c:\temp\Test.docx" .Show End With
- Die Eigenschaft 'Name' gibt den Dateinamen und eventuell auch das Verzeichnis vor, in dem das Dokument gespeichert werden soll.
- Die 'Show'-Methode zeigt den Dialog an und führt die weiteren Schritte automatisch aus. Im Beispiel bedeutet dies, dass das Dokument nach dem Bestätigen des Dialog gespeichert wird.
- Optional: Statt 'Show' kann der Dialog mit 'Display' lediglich angezeigt werden, eine automatische Ausführung der weiteren Schritte entfällt.
- Optional: Mit 'Execute' können die weiteren Schritte ausgeführt werden, ohne den Dialog tatsächlich anzuzeigen.
- Die Kombination von 'Display' und 'Execute' erlaubt es Ihnen, die Einstellungen des Anwenders nach dem 'Display' zu prüfen und ggf. anzupassen, bevor Sie mit 'Execute' die weiteren Schritte ausführen lassen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die eingebauten Dialoge den typischen Word-Dialogen bis Version 2003 entsprechen und in modernen Word-Versionen altmodisch bzw. befremdlich wirken können. Liste der möglichen Parameter für eingebaute Word-Dialoge (aus der Hilfe für Word 2003):
WdWordDialog constant | Argument list(s) | Anmerkungen |
wdDialogConnect | Drive, Path, Password | |
wdDialogConsistencyChecker | (none) | |
wdDialogControlRun | Application | |
wdDialogConvertObject | IconNumber, ActivateAs, IconFileName, Caption, Class, DisplayIcon, Floating | |
wdDialogCopyFile | FileName, Directory | |
wdDialogCreateAutoText | (none) | |
wdDialogCSSLinks | LinkStyles | |
wdDialogDocumentStatistics | FileName, Directory, Template, Title, Created, LastSaved, LastSavedBy, Revision, Time, Printed, Pages, Words, Characters, Paragraphs, Lines, FileSize | |
wdDialogDrawAlign | Horizontal, Vertical, RelativeTo | |
wdDialogDrawSnapToGrid | SnapToGrid, XGrid, YGrid, XOrigin, YOrigin, SnapToShapes, XGridDisplay, YGridDisplay, FollowMargins, ViewGridLines, DefineLineBasedOnGrid | |
wdDialogEditAutoText | Name, Context, InsertAs, Insert, Add, Define, InsertAsText, Delete, CompleteAT | |
wdDialogEditCreatePublisher | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogEditFind | Find, Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl | |
wdDialogEditFrame | Wrap, WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame | |
wdDialogEditGoTo | Find, Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl | |
wdDialogEditGoToOld | (none) | |
wdDialogEditLinks | UpdateMode, Locked, SavePictureInDoc, UpdateNow, OpenSource, KillLink, Link, Application, Item, FileName, PreserveFormatLinkUpdate | |
wdDialogEditObject | Verb | |
wdDialogEditPasteSpecial | IconNumber, Link, DisplayIcon, Class, DataType, IconFileName, Caption, Floating | |
wdDialogEditPublishOptions | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogEditReplace | Find, Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl | |
wdDialogEditStyle | (none) | |
wdDialogEditSubscribeOptions | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogEditSubscribeTo | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogEditTOACategory | Category, CategoryName | |
wdDialogEmailOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogFileDocumentLayout | Tab, PaperSize, TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, Gutter, PageWidth, PageHeight, Orientation, FirstPage, OtherPages, VertAlign, ApplyPropsTo, Default, FacingPages, HeaderDistance, FooterDistance, SectionStart, OddAndEvenPages, DifferentFirstPage, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, TwoOnOne, GutterPosition, LayoutMode, CharsLine, LinesPage, CharPitch, LinePitch, DocFontName, DocFontSize, PageColumns, TextFlow, FirstPageOnLeft, SectionType, RTLAlignment | |
wdDialogFileFind | SearchName, SearchPath, Name, SubDir, Title, Author, Keywords, Subject, Options, MatchCase, Text, PatternMatch, DateSavedFrom, DateSavedTo, SavedBy, DateCreatedFrom, DateCreatedTo, View, SortBy, ListBy, SelectedFile, Add, Delete, ShowFolders, MatchByte | |
wdDialogFileMacPageSetup | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogFileNew | Template, NewTemplate, DocumentType, Visible | |
wdDialogFileOpen | Name, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform | |
wdDialogFilePageSetup | Tab, PaperSize, TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, Gutter, PageWidth, PageHeight, Orientation, FirstPage, OtherPages, VertAlign, ApplyPropsTo, Default, FacingPages, HeaderDistance, FooterDistance, SectionStart, OddAndEvenPages, DifferentFirstPage, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, TwoOnOne, GutterPosition, LayoutMode, CharsLine, LinesPage, CharPitch, LinePitch, DocFontName, DocFontSize, PageColumns, TextFlow, FirstPageOnLeft, SectionType, RTLAlignment, FolioPrint, ReverseFolio, FolioPages | |
wdDialogFilePrint | Background, AppendPrFile, Range, PrToFileName, From, To, Type, NumCopies, Pages, Order, PrintToFile, Collate, FileName, Printer, OutputPrinter, DuplexPrint, PrintZoomColumn, PrintZoomRow, PrintZoomPaperWidth, PrintZoomPaperHeight, ZoomPaper | 'Pages' nimmt den gewünschten Bereich als Zeichenkette entgegen (zum Beispiel "1-5"). Zusätzlich muss dann die Eigenschaft 'Range' den Wert 'wdPrintRangeOfPages' annehmen. With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrint) .Range = wdPrintRangeOfPages .Pages = "1-5" End With |
wdDialogFilePrintOneCopy | (For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) | |
wdDialogFilePrintSetup | Printer, Options, Network, DoNotSetAsSysDefault | |
wdDialogFileRoutingSlip | Subject, Message, AllAtOnce, ReturnWhenDone, TrackStatus, Protect, AddSlip, RouteDocument, AddRecipient, OldRecipient, ResetSlip, ClearSlip, ClearRecipients, Address | |
wdDialogFileSaveAs | Name, Format, LockAnnot, Password, AddToMru, WritePassword, RecommendReadOnly, EmbedFonts, NativePictureFormat, FormsData, SaveAsAOCELetter, WriteVersion, VersionDesc, InsertLineBreaks, AllowSubstitutions, LineEnding, AddBiDiMarks | |
wdDialogFileSaveVersion | (none) | |
wdDialogFileSummaryInfo | Title, Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, FileName, Directory, Template, CreateDate, LastSavedDate, LastSavedBy, RevisionNumber, EditTime, LastPrintedDate, NumPages, NumWords, NumChars, NumParas, NumLines, Update, FileSize | |
wdDialogFileVersions | AutoVersion, VersionDesc | |
wdDialogFitText | FitTextWidth | |
wdDialogFontSubstitution | UnavailableFont, SubstituteFont | |
wdDialogFormatAddrFonts | Points, Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor | |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShading | ApplyTo, Shadow, TopBorder, LeftBorder, BottomBorder, RightBorder, HorizBorder, VertBorder, TopColor, LeftColor, BottomColor, RightColor, HorizColor, VertColor, FromText, Shading, Foreground, Background, Tab, FineShading, TopStyle, LeftStyle, BottomStyle, RightStyle, HorizStyle, VertStyle, TopWeight, LeftWeight, BottomWeight, RightWeight, HorizWeight, VertWeight, BorderObjectType, BorderArtWeight, BorderArt, FromTextTop, FromTextBottom, FromTextLeft, FromTextRight, OffsetFrom, InFront, SurroundHeader, SurroundFooter, JoinBorder, LineColor, WhichPages, TL2BRBorder, TR2BLBorder, TL2BRColor, TR2BLColor, TL2BRStyle, TR2BLStyle, TL2BRWeight, TR2BLWeight, ForegroundRGB, BackgroundRGB, TopColorRGB, LeftColorRGB, BottomColorRGB, RightColorRGB, HorizColorRGB, VertColorRGB, TL2BRColorRGB, TR2BLColorRGB, LineColorRGB | |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumbering | (none) | |
wdDialogFormatCallout | Type, Gap, Angle, Drop, Length, Border, AutoAttach, Accent | |
wdDialogFormatChangeCase | Type | |
wdDialogFormatColumns | Columns, ColumnNo, ColumnWidth, ColumnSpacing, EvenlySpaced, ApplyColsTo, ColLine, StartNewCol, FlowColumnsRtl | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleBorders | ApplyTo, Shadow, TopBorder, LeftBorder, BottomBorder, RightBorder, HorizBorder, VertBorder, TopColor, LeftColor, BottomColor, RightColor, HorizColor, VertColor, FromText, Shading, Foreground, Background, Tab, FineShading, TopStyle, LeftStyle, BottomStyle, RightStyle, HorizStyle, VertStyle, TopWeight, LeftWeight, BottomWeight, RightWeight, HorizWeight, VertWeight, BorderObjectType, BorderArtWeight, BorderArt, FromTextTop, FromTextBottom, FromTextLeft, FromTextRight, OffsetFrom, InFront, SurroundHeader, SurroundFooter, JoinBorder, LineColor, WhichPages, TL2BRBorder, TR2BLBorder, TL2BRColor, TR2BLColor, TL2BRStyle, TR2BLStyle, TL2BRWeight, TR2BLWeight, ForegroundRGB, BackgroundRGB, TopColorRGB, LeftColorRGB, BottomColorRGB, RightColorRGB, HorizColorRGB, VertColorRGB, TL2BRColorRGB, TR2BLColorRGB, LineColorRGB | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFont | Points, Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFrame | Wrap, WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleLang | Language, CheckLanguage, Default, NoProof | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStylePara | LeftIndent, RightIndent, Before, After, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, Alignment, WidowControl, KeepWithNext, KeepTogether, PageBreak, NoLineNum, DontHyphen, Tab, FirstIndent, OutlineLevel, Kinsoku, WordWrap, OverflowPunct, TopLinePunct, AutoSpaceDE, LineHeightGrid, AutoSpaceDN, CharAlign, CharacterUnitLeftIndent, AdjustRight, CharacterUnitFirstIndent, CharacterUnitRightIndent, LineUnitBefore, LineUnitAfter, NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle, OrientationBi | |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleTabs | Position, DefTabs, Align, Leader, Set, Clear, ClearAll | |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObject | Left, PositionHorzRel, Top, PositionVertRel, LockAnchor, FloatOverText, LayoutInCell, WrapSide, TopDistanceFromText, BottomDistanceFromText, LeftDistanceFromText, RightDistanceFromText, Wrap, WordWrap, AutoSize, HRWidthType, HRHeight, HRNoshade, HRAlign, Text, AllowOverlap, HorizRule | |
wdDialogFormatDropCap | Position, Font, DropHeight, DistFromText | |
wdDialogFormatEncloseCharacters | Style, Text, Enclosure | |
wdDialogFormatFont | Points, Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor | |
wdDialogFormatFrame | Wrap, WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame | |
wdDialogFormatPageNumber | ChapterNumber, NumRestart, NumFormat, StartingNum, Level, Separator, DoubleQuote, PgNumberingStyle | |
wdDialogFormatParagraph | LeftIndent, RightIndent, Before, After, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, Alignment, WidowControl, KeepWithNext, KeepTogether, PageBreak, NoLineNum, DontHyphen, Tab, FirstIndent, OutlineLevel, Kinsoku, WordWrap, OverflowPunct, TopLinePunct, AutoSpaceDE, LineHeightGrid, AutoSpaceDN, CharAlign, CharacterUnitLeftIndent, AdjustRight, CharacterUnitFirstIndent, CharacterUnitRightIndent, LineUnitBefore, LineUnitAfter, NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle, OrientationBi | |
wdDialogFormatPicture | SetSize, CropLeft, CropRight, CropTop, CropBottom, ScaleX, ScaleY, SizeX, SizeY | |
wdDialogFormatRetAddrFonts | Points, Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor | |
wdDialogFormatSectionLayout | SectionStart, VertAlign, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, SectionType | |
wdDialogFormatStyle | Name, Delete, Merge, NewName, BasedOn, NextStyle, Type, FileName, Source, AddToTemplate, Define, Rename, Apply, New, Link | |
wdDialogFormatStyleGallery | Template, Preview | |
wdDialogFormatStylesCustom | (none) | |
wdDialogFormatTabs | Position, DefTabs, Align, Leader, Set, Clear, ClearAll | |
wdDialogFormatTheme | (none) | |
wdDialogFormFieldHelp | (none) | |
wdDialogFormFieldOptions | Entry, Exit, Name, Enable, TextType, TextWidth, TextDefault, TextFormat, CheckSize, CheckWidth, CheckDefault, Type, OwnHelp, HelpText, OwnStat, StatText, Calculate | |
wdDialogFrameSetProperties | (none) | |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelp | WPCommand, HelpText, DemoGuidance | |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelpOptions | CommandKeyHelp, DocNavKeys, MouseSimulation, DemoGuidance, DemoSpeed, HelpType | |
wdDialogHorizontalInVertical | (none) | |
wdDialogIMESetDefault | (none) | |
wdDialogInsertAddCaption | Name | |
wdDialogInsertAutoCaption | Clear, ClearAll, Object, Label, Position | |
wdDialogInsertBookmark | Name, SortBy, Add, Delete, Goto, Hidden | |
wdDialogInsertBreak | Type | |
wdDialogInsertCaption | Label, TitleAutoText, Title, Delete, Position, AutoCaption, ExcludeLabel | |
wdDialogInsertCaptionNumbering | Label, FormatNumber, ChapterNumber, Level, Separator, CapNumberingStyle | |
wdDialogInsertCrossReference | ReferenceType, ReferenceKind, ReferenceItem, InsertAsHyperLink, InsertPosition, SeparateNumbers, SeparatorCharacters | |
wdDialogInsertDatabase | Format, Style, LinkToSource, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, DataSource, From, To, IncludeFields, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot | |
wdDialogInsertDateTime | DateTimePic, InsertAsField, DbCharField, DateLanguage, CalendarType | |
wdDialogInsertField | Field | |
wdDialogInsertFile | Name, Range, ConfirmConversions, Link, Attachment | |
wdDialogInsertFootnote | Reference, NoteType, Symbol, FootNumberAs, EndNumberAs, FootnotesAt, EndnotesAt, FootNumberingStyle, EndNumberingStyle, FootStartingNum, FootRestartNum, EndStartingNum, EndRestartNum, ApplyPropsTo | |
wdDialogInsertFormField | Entry, Exit, Name, Enable, TextType, TextWidth, TextDefault, TextFormat, CheckSize, CheckWidth, CheckDefault, Type, OwnHelp, HelpText, OwnStat, StatText, Calculate | |
wdDialogInsertHyperlink | (none) | |
wdDialogInsertIndex | Outline, Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel | |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTables | Outline, Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel | |
wdDialogInsertMergeField | MergeField, WordField | |
wdDialogInsertNumber | NumPic | |
wdDialogInsertObject | IconNumber, FileName, Link, DisplayIcon, Tab, Class, IconFileName, Caption, Floating | |
wdDialogInsertPageNumbers | Type, Position, FirstPage | |
wdDialogInsertPicture | Name, LinkToFile, New, FloatOverText | |
wdDialogInsertSubdocument | Name, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform | |
wdDialogInsertSymbol | Font, Tab, CharNum, CharNumLow, Unicode, Hint | |
wdDialogInsertTableOfAuthorities | Outline, Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel | |
wdDialogInsertTableOfContents | Outline, Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel | |
wdDialogInsertTableOfFigures | Outline, Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel | |
wdDialogInsertWebComponent | IconNumber, FileName, Link, DisplayIcon, Tab, Class, IconFileName, Caption, Floating | |
wdDialogLetterWizard | SenderCity, DateFormat, IncludeHeaderFooter, LetterStyle, Letterhead, LetterheadLocation, LetterheadSize, RecipientName, RecipientAddress, Salutation, SalutationType, RecipientGender, RecipientReference, MailingInstructions, AttentionLine, LetterSubject, CCList, SenderName, ReturnAddress, Closing, SenderJobTitle, SenderCompany, SenderInitials, EnclosureNumber, PageDesign, InfoBlock, SenderGender, ReturnAddressSF, RecipientCode, SenderCode, SenderReference | |
wdDialogListCommands | ListType | |
wdDialogMailMerge | CheckErrors, Destination, MergeRecords, From, To, Suppression, MailMerge, QueryOptions, MailSubject, MailAsAttachment, MailAddress | |
wdDialogMailMergeCheck | CheckErrors | |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateDataSource | FileName, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, HeaderRecord, MSQuery, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Connection, LinkToSource, WritePasswordDoc | |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateHeaderSource | FileName, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, HeaderRecord, MSQuery, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Connection, LinkToSource, WritePasswordDoc | |
wdDialogMailMergeFieldMapping | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeFindRecipient | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeFindRecord | Find, Field | |
wdDialogMailMergeHelper | Merge, Options | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAddressBlock | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAsk | Name, Prompt, DefaultBookmarkText, AskOnce | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFields | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFillIn | Prompt, DefaultFillInText, AskOnce | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertGreetingLine | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertIf | MergeField, Comparison, CompareTo, TrueAutoText, TrueText, FalseAutoText, FalseText | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertNextIf | MergeField, Comparison, CompareTo | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSet | Name, ValueText, ValueAutoText | |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSkipIf | MergeField, Comparison, CompareTo | |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenDataSource | Name, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform | |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenHeaderSource | Name, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform | |
wdDialogMailMergeQueryOptions | SQLStatement, SQLStatement1 | |
wdDialogMailMergeRecipients | (none) | |
wdDialogMailMergeSetDocumentType | Type | |
wdDialogMailMergeUseAddressBook | AddressBookType | |
wdDialogMarkCitation | LongCitation, LongCitationAutoText, Category, ShortCitation, NextCitation, Mark, MarkAll | |
wdDialogMarkIndexEntry | MarkAll, Entry, Range, Bold, Italic, CrossReference, EntryAutoText, CrossReferenceAutoText, Yomi | |
wdDialogMarkTableOfContentsEntry | Entry, EntryAutoText, TableId, Level | |
wdDialogNewToolbar | Name, Context | |
wdDialogNoteOptions | FootnotesAt, FootNumberAs, FootStartingNum, FootRestartNum, EndnotesAt, EndNumberAs, EndStartingNum, EndRestartNum, FootNumberingStyle, EndNumberingStyle | |
wdDialogOrganizer | Copy, Delete, Rename, Source, Destination, Name, NewName, Tab | |
wdDialogPhoneticGuide | (none) | |
wdDialogReviewAfmtRevisions | (none) | |
wdDialogSearch | (none) | |
wdDialogShowRepairs | Name, SortBy, Add, Delete, GoTo, Hidden | |
wdDialogTableAutoFormat | HideAutoFit, Preview, Format, Borders, Shading, Font, Color, AutoFit, HeadingRows, FirstColumn, LastRow, LastColumn | |
wdDialogTableCellOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogTableColumnWidth | ColumnWidth, SpaceBetweenCols, PrevColumn, NextColumn, AutoFit, RulerStyle | |
wdDialogTableDeleteCells | ShiftCells | |
wdDialogTableFormatCell | Category | |
wdDialogTableFormula | Formula, NumFormat | |
wdDialogTableInsertCells | ShiftCells | |
wdDialogTableInsertRow | NumRows | |
wdDialogTableInsertTable | ConvertFrom, NumColumns, NumRows, InitialColWidth, Wizard, Format, Apply, AutoFit, SetDefault, Word8, Style | |
wdDialogTableOfCaptionsOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogTableOfContentsOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogTableProperties | TableDirection | |
wdDialogTableRowHeight | RulerStyle, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, LeftIndent, AllowRowSplit, Alignment, PrevRow, NextRow, TableDir | |
wdDialogTableSort | DontSortHdr, FieldNum, Type, Order, FieldNum2, Type2, Order2, FieldNum3, Type3, Order3, Separator, SortColumn, CaseSensitive, SortBiDi, IgnoreHe, Diacritics, IgnoreThe, Kashida, Language, UsingNum, UsingNum2, UsingNum3 | |
wdDialogTableSplitCells | NumColumns, NumRows, MergeBeforeSplit | |
wdDialogTableTableOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogTableToText | ConvertTo, NestedTables | |
wdDialogTableWrapping | PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, TopDistanceFromText, BottomDistanceFromText, LeftDistanceFromText, RightDistanceFromText, MoveWithText, AllowOverlap, | |
wdDialogTCSCTranslator | Direction, Varients, TranslateCommon | |
wdDialogTextToTable | ConvertFrom, NumColumns, NumRows, InitialColWidth, Wizard, Format, Apply, AutoFit, SetDefault, Word8, Style | |
wdDialogToolsAcceptRejectChanges | ShowMarks, HideMarks, Wrap, FindPrevious, FindNext, AcceptRevisions, RejectRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll | |
wdDialogToolsAdvancedSettings | Application, Option, Setting, Delete, Set | |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrect | ShowFineTuner, CapTable, InWordMail, InitialCaps, SentenceCaps, Days, CapsLock, ReplaceText, Formatting, Replace, With, Add, Delete, SmartQuotes, CorrectHangulAndAlphabet, ConvBrackets, ConvQuotes, ConvPunct, ReplaceTextFromSpellingChecker | |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptions | Tab, Name, AutoAdd, Add, Delete | |
wdDialogToolsAutoManager | Tab | |
wdDialogToolsAutoSummarize | TextSize, Show, Update | |
wdDialogToolsBulletsNumbers | Replace, Font, CharNum, Type, FormatOutline, AutoUpdate, FormatNumber, Punctuation, StartAt, Points, Hang, Indent, Remove, DoubleQuote | |
wdDialogToolsCompareDocuments | CompareDestination, DetectFormatting, IgnoreCompareWarn, UseFormatFrom, AddToMru, Merge, FilterPrivacy, FilterDateAndTime, Name, CompareAuthor | |
wdDialogToolsCreateDirectory | Directory | |
wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope | ExtractAddress, LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel | |
wdDialogToolsCreateLabels | ExtractAddress, LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel | |
wdDialogToolsCustomize | KeyCode, KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab | |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeKeyboard | KeyCode, KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab | |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenuBar | Context, Position, MenuType, MenuText, Menu, Add, Remove, Rename | |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenus | KeyCode, KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab | |
wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabels | ExtractAddress, LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel | |
wdDialogToolsGrammarSettings | Options | |
wdDialogToolsHangulHanjaConversion | (none) | |
wdDialogToolsHighlightChanges | MarkRevisions, ViewRevisions, PrintRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll | |
wdDialogToolsHyphenation | AutoHyphenation, HyphenateCaps, HyphenationZone, LimitConsecutiveHyphens | |
wdDialogToolsLanguage | Language, CheckLanguage, Default, NoProof | |
wdDialogToolsMacro | Name, Run, Edit, Show, Delete, Rename, Description, NewName, SetDesc | |
wdDialogToolsMacroRecord | (This dialog box cannot be called from a macro.) | |
wdDialogToolsManageFields | FieldName, Add, Remove, Rename, NewName | |
wdDialogToolsMergeDocuments | Name | |
wdDialogToolsOptions | Tab | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormat | ApplyStylesLists, ApplyBulletedLists, ApplyStylesOtherParas, ReplaceQuotes, ReplaceOrdinals, ReplaceFractions, ReplaceSymbols, ReplacePlainTextEmphasis, ReplaceHyperlinks, PreserveStyles, PlainTextWordMail, ApplyFirstIndent, MatchParentheses, ReplaceDbDashes, ReplaceAutoSpaces | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormatAsYouType | cmntrInWordMail, ApplyStylesHeadings, ApplyStylesHeadings, ApplyBorders, ApplyTables, ApplyDates, ApplyBulletedLists, ApplyNumberedLists, ApplyFirstIndent, ApplyClosings, ReplaceQuotes, ReplaceOrdinals, ReplaceFractions, ReplaceSymbols, ReplacePlainTextEmphasis, ReplaceHyperlinks, MatchParentheses, ReplaceAutoSpaces, ReplaceDbDashes, FormatListItemBeginning, TabIndent, DefineStyles, InsertOvers, InsertClosings, AutoLetterWizard, ShowOptionsFor, ApplyStylesLists, ApplySkipList, ApplyStylesOtherParas, ReplaceBullets, AdjustParaMarks, AdjustTabsSpaces, AdjustEmptyParas, PreserveStyles | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsBidi | DocViewDir, AddCtrlCopy, HebDoubleQuote, Numbers, Move, Sel, BiDirectional, ShowDiac, DiffDiacColor, Date, AdvanceHijri, MasterDocDir, OutlineDir, DiacriticColorVal, SequenceCheck, TypeNReplace | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsCompatibility | Product, Default, NoTabHangIndent, NoSpaceRaiseLower, PrintColBlack, WrapTrailSpaces, NoColumnBalance, ConvMailMergeEsc, SuppressSpBfAfterPgBrk, SuppressTopSpacing, OrigWordTableRules, TransparentMetafiles, ShowBreaksInFrames, SwapBordersFacingPages, LeaveBackslashAlone, ExpandShiftReturn, DontULTrailSpace, DontBalanceSbDbWidth, SuppressTopSpacingMac5, SpacingInWholePoints, PrintBodyTextBeforeHeader, NoLeading, NoSpaceForUL, MWSmallCaps, NoExtraLineSpacing, TruncateFontHeight, SubFontBySize, UsePrinterMetrics, WW6BorderRules, ExactOnTop, SuppressBottomSpacing, WPSpaceWidth, WPJustification, LineWrapLikeWord6, SpLayoutLikeWW8, FtnLayoutLikeWW8, DontUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing, DontAdjustLineHeightInTable, ForgetLastTabAlignment, UseAutospaceForFullWidthAlpha, AlignTablesRowByRow, LayoutRawTableWidth, LayoutTableRowsApart, UseWord97LineBreakingRules, DontBreakWrappedTables, DontSnapToGridInCell, DontAllowFieldEndSelect, ApplyBreakingRules, DontWrapTextWithPunct, DontUseAsianBreakRules, UseWord2002TableStyleRules, GrowAutofit | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsEdit | ReplaceSelection, DragAndDrop, AutoWordSelection, InsForPaste, Overtype, SmartCursoring, SmartCutPaste, AllowAccentedUppercase, PictureEditor, TabIndent, BsParaAlign, InlineConversion, IMELosingFocus, AllowClickAndTypeMouse, ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle, AutoKeyBi, PictureWrapType, SmartParaSelection, HypCtrlClickFollow, PasteRecovery, PromptUpdateStyle, FormatScanning, ShowFormatError | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsEditCopyPaste | SmartSentenceWordSpacing, SmartParaPaste, SmartTablePaste, SmartStylePaste, FormatPowerpointPaste, FormatExcelPaste, PasteMergeLists, CopyPasteDefaultOptions | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFileLocations | Path, Setting | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFuzzy | FuzzyCase, FuzzyByte, FuzzyHira, FuzzySmKana, FuzzyMinus, FuzzyRepSymbol, FuzzyKanji, FuzzyOldKana, FuzzyLongVowel, FuzzyDZ, FuzzyBV, FuzzyTC, FuzzyHF, FuzzyZJ, FuzzyAY, FuzzyKIKU, FuzzyPunct, FuzzySpace | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsGeneral | Pagination, WPHelp, WPDocNavKeys, BlueScreen, ErrorBeeps, Effects3d, UpdateLinks, SendMailAttach, RecentFiles, RecentFileCount, Units, ButtonFieldClicks, ShortMenuNames, RTFInClipboard, ConfirmConversions, TipWizardActive, AnimatedCursors, VirusProtection, SeparateFont, InterpretHIANSIToDBC, ExitWithRestoreSession, AsianText, PixelsInDialogs, UseCharacterUnit, BackgroundOpen, AutoCreateNewDrawings, AllowReadingMode | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsPrint | Draft, Reverse, UpdateFields, Summary, ShowCodes, Annotations, ShowHidden, EnvFeederInstalled, WidowControl, DfltTrueType, UpdateLinks, Background, DrawingObjects, FormsData, DefaultTray, PSOverText, MapPaperSize, FractionalWidths, PrOrder1, PrOrder2, PrintXmlTags, Backgrounds | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSave | CreateBackup, FastSaves, SummaryPrompt, GlobalDotPrompt, NativePictureFormat, EmbedFonts, FormsData, AutoSave, SaveInterval, Password, WritePassword, RecommendReadOnly, SubsetFonts, BackgroundSave, DefaultSaveFormat, AddCtrlSave, DoNotEmbed, LocalNetworkFile, WordCompatibilityList, EmbedSmartTags, SmartTagXML, EmbedLinguisticData | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSecurity | WarnMarkup, StoreRsid, ShowMarkupOpenSave | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSmartTag | LabelSmartTags, ShowSmartTagOOUI | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar | AlwaysSuggest, SuggestFromMainDictOnly, IgnoreAllCaps, IgnoreMixedDigits, ResetIgnoreAll, Type, CustomDict1, CustomDict2, CustomDict3, CustomDict4, CustomDict5, CustomDict6, CustomDict7, CustomDict8, CustomDict9, CustomDict10, AutomaticSpellChecking, FilenamesEmailAliases, UserDict1, AutomaticGrammarChecking, ForegroundGrammar, ShowStatistics, Options, RecheckDocument, IgnoreAuxFind, IgnoreMissDictSearch, HideGrammarErrors, CheckSpelling, GrLidUI, SpLidUI, DictLang1, DictLang2, DictLang3, DictLang4, DictLang5, DictLang6, DictLang7, DictLang8, DictLang9, DictLang10, HideSpellingErrors, HebSpellStart, InitialAlefHamza, FinalYaa, GermanPostReformSpell, AraSpeller, ProcessCompoundNoun | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTrackChanges | InsertedTextMark, InsertedTextColor, DeletedTextMark, DeletedTextColor, RevisedLinesMark, RevisedLinesColor, HighlightColor, RevisedPropertiesMark, RevisedPropertiesColor | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTypography | KerningPairs, Justification, PunctLevel, FollowingPunct, LeadingPunct, ApplyToTemplate, JapaneseKinsokuStrict, FarEastLineBreakLanguage | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsUserInfo | Name, Initials, Address | |
wdDialogToolsOptionsView | DraftFont, WrapToWindow, PicturePlaceHolders, FieldCodes, BookMarks, FieldShading, StatusBar, HScroll, VScroll, StyleAreaWidth, Tabs, Spaces, Paras, Hyphens, Hidden, ShowAll, Drawings, Anchors, TextBoundaries, VRuler, Highlight, ShowAnimation, ScrnTp, LeftScroll, RRuler, OptionalBreak, EnlargeFontsLessThan, BrowseToWindow, PageBoundaries, WindowsInTaskbar, SmartTags, ShowAtStartup, Backgrounds | |
wdDialogToolsProtectDocument | DocumentPassword, NoReset, Type, UseDRM | |
wdDialogToolsProtectSection | Protect, Section | |
wdDialogToolsRevisions | MarkRevisions, ViewRevisions, PrintRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll | |
wdDialogToolsSpellingAndGrammar | SuggestionListBox, ForegroundGrammar | |
wdDialogToolsTemplates | Store, Template, LinkStyles | |
wdDialogToolsThesaurus | (none) | |
wdDialogToolsUnprotectDocument | DocumentPassword | |
wdDialogToolsWordCount | CountFootnotes, Pages, Words, Characters, DBCs, SBCs, CharactersIncludingSpaces, Paragraphs, Lines | |
wdDialogTwoLinesInOne | (none) | |
wdDialogUpdateTOC | (none) | |
wdDialogViewZoom | AutoFit, TwoPages, FullPage, NumColumns, NumRows, ZoomPercent, TextFit | |
wdDialogWebOptions | (none) | |
wdDialogWindowActivate | Window |